Tis the season to take care of our body! We are knee-deep into the holidays, and our greatest self-care practice is maintaining our sanity lol!
As you may notice, the energy is buzzing, and our shopping lists continue to grow. With each mindful choice we make, allow your intuition to guide you into a supportive and healthy flow!
Here are a few simple tips to add to your self-care list for the busy gal on the go (printable):

It is so important to take time in your day to monitor your body and mind frame. How do you feel in this moment? Do you feel grounded? Overwhelmed? The most important thing is to be present with yourself.
If we don’t make ourselves a priority, how can we be present and tend to those around us wholeheartedly? Our bodies are a sacred vessel that should always be treated with care. When you tend to the important things in life and nourish your health, you’ll be able to give and receive so much more, which is the greatest gift of all. My best self-care tip for the holidays is to manage your to-do list (we don’t always need to be at capacity). Take time to nurture your body and restore your inner sanctuary.
What is your favorite self-care tip during the holidays? Sending love, joy, and peace to you and your families!
Robyn Spieler 11-22-2022